Ampharos or Jolteon ? 電龍與雷精靈

Ampharos 電龍 (Gen 2 Best Electric Pokemon 二代最強的電系寶可夢)

Image result for ampharos

Weak Against 弱勢 :

Strong Against 優勢 :

戰斗力(CP) 2695   34/251
攻擊(ATK) 211 38/251
防御(DEF) 172 87/251
耐力(STA) 180 34/251

Best Moveset 推薦技能組合Volt Switch/Thunder 伏特替換/打雷

With great Stamina and Attack stats, Ampharos should eventually become a fixture in Pokemon gyms around the country. Although it has below average Defense, Ampharos has the second highest Stamina stat of any Electric-Type Pokemon, so it can absorb a bit of damage when attacking gyms. 


Jolteon 雷精靈 (Gen 1 Best Electric Pokemon 一代最強的電系寶可夢)jolteon

Weak Against 弱勢 :

Strong Against 優勢 :

戰斗力(CP) 2730   31/251
攻擊(ATK) 232 21/251
防御(DEF) 201 41/251
耐力(STA) 130 102/251

Best Moveset推薦技能組合: Thunder Shock/ Thunderbolt 電擊/十萬伏特

Jolteon has superior Attack and Defense stats, although its Stamina is pretty underwhelming. Still, there's a reason Jolteon is a common fixture in gyms, and it should probably be your top choice if you want an Electric-Type on your team of gym attackers. 


Ampharos or Jolteon 電龍或雷精靈

Jolteon > Ampharos

Truth to be told, jolteon is better than ampharos, not just because he has higher dmg, also because he has a 2-bar charge move. This means you are much less likely to over kill with jolteon, thus saves far more time and potion at the same time.


Ampharos > Jolteon

Ampharos has 40% more stamina although its ATK and DEF are slightly lower. As lapras is to cloyster so to is Ampharos to Jolteon and Arcanine to Flareon. 

作為防御者,電龍當然比較強,他擁有比雷精靈多出40%的血量,使他可以吸收更多的傷害。攻擊力和防御力上都輸給雷精靈, 不過能給對手一定程度的傷害

