Top 2 Psychic Pokemon vs Blissey 兩大超能力系 vs 幸福蛋

Image result for alakazam

胡地 Alakazam

Weak Against 弱势 :

Strong Against 优势 :

Best Moveset推荐技能组合: Psycho Cut/Future Sight 精神利刃/预知未来

战斗力(CP) 2887  25/251
攻击(ATK) 271 2/251
防御(DEF) 194 53/251
耐力(STA) 110 154/251

 Quick Move 快速技能表

精神利刃(Psycho Cut) 


Charge Move 蓄力技能表

暗影球(Shadow Ball)   

预知未来(Future Sight)

真气弹(Focus Blast)    

Although Alakazam is only the third most powerful Psychic-Type Pokemon in terms of CP, it's arguably the best Psychic-Type attacker in the game. With an Attack stat of 271, Alakazam has the highest Attack stat of any Pokemon currently available in 

Pokemon Go. Alakazam also has the excellent ideal moveset of Psycho Cut/Future Sight, which can dish out more damage than just about any other moveset. Sadly, Alakazam has a very low Stamnia stat, so don't expect it to be the best gym defender. 



Alakazam CP2823 vs Blissey CP3160 胡地 CP2823 vs 幸福蛋 CP3160

Image result for espeon

太阳伊布 Espeon

Weak Against 弱势 :

Strong Against 优势 :

Best Moveset推荐技能组合: Confusion/Future Sight 念力/预知未来

战斗力(CP) 3000  18/251
攻击(ATK) 261 5/251
防御(DEF) 194 53/251
耐力(STA) 130 102/251

 Quick Move 快速技能表


意念头锤(Zen Headbutt)

Charge Move 蓄力技能表



预知未来(Future Sight)  

Espeon has one of the best Attack stats in the game, fourth only to Gengar, Alakazam and Dragonite. It's also one of four Pokemon in the game that can learn Future Sight, which is the second strongest charge move in 

Pokemon Go. Espeon's only downside is a low stamina stat, so it shouldn't be impossible to beat it if you encounter it in a local gym. 


Espeon CP2392 vs Blissey CP2575 太陽精靈 CP2392 vs 幸福蛋 CP2575 (video below)

